About me

I’m a writer and strategist with 15+ years experience and a background in acting, screenwriting, makeup artistry, and events.

Burnt out from decades working several jobs to support my artistic career, I spent a couple years looking for work that would be creative, challenging, strategic, and meaningful. In the beginning of 2018, a close friend sent me a job description for a UX researcher with a note saying, "I think you’d be really good at this" and I knew instantly it was everything I'd been looking for.

Coincidentally, my education into UX happened at the same time I was learning about complex PTSD (CPTSD). Everywhere I looked, I could see how experiences were causing harm – from exclusion through identity and accessibility, to ways in which digital tools could be used to perpetrate abuse. 

I said to a trusted advisor, “why don’t people talk about trauma-informed design?” 

And she said, “Why don’t you?

More than anything, I want to help create experiences that make all people feel seen, heard, and safe.



FORGE NYC Arts Fellowship


Convey UX Scholarship Award


Portland Previews Trailer Finalist


Portland Film Festival Screenplay Finalist